Maritime Museum
Campaign for the Offshore Experience

How do you portray the offshore experience?

The new interactive exhibition in the Maritime Museum wants to present the Offshore world in all its aspects. That means more than oil and gas extraction, as we are increasingly generating energy at sea with windmills. The challenge for the exhibition and the campaign was to shake off the fossil fuel image and look towards the future.

We came up with provocative questions that seamlessly integrate with the activities in the exhibition and visualized the experience of the visitor larger than life. This led to a powerful series of images within the brand concept “Travel with me” that gives the visitor the right feeling, without literally displaying the content.

Visually we made a clear link between the safety helmets and the exhibition’s mandatory safety gear, which is also reflected in the yellow construction of the platform.

For these images, we collaborated with photographer Rutger Prins, who jumped at the opportunity to experiment with leaf blowers, buckets of water and flying helmets. While a series of flashes fired to get all the water droplets in focus, no model went home dry. All the mopping that resulted was worth the doubling of the visitor numbers!


In the posters the image, message and the visual identity merge effectively.

What you see is what you get: blown away by the immersive experience!

Can you land a helicopter under difficult circumstances? In the exhibition you can find out!

The message comes across just as well for the thousands of cars speeding along the A16 daily.

The newspapers Offshorekrant and Scheepvaartkrant both adopted the campaign identity, with a print run of 22.000 total.

The museum’s activity calendar is also dripping with the campaign images.

The campaign images lead you from outdoors into the building (also visible is our other campaign featuring that cool astronaut).

Can you keep the rudder straight while enduring 20 meter high waves?

Museum director Frits Loomeijer at the opening. The campaign images lead you from outdoors into the building and straight to the door of the exhibition, allowing for easy recognition.


The making of

The ice-bucket challenge never looked this good! High speed flash photography brings every water drop into crisp focus.

The vacuum cleaner in reverse… turned out to smell like dog. Because it was previously used for… dogs. Yum!

Posing while withstanding the brute forces of the Offshore world is no walk in the park. Here’s one experience that won’t easily be forgotten!

Rutger Prins’s high speed photography set up.